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Product Description

A spectator is asked to cut a deck in to two equal piles. Both the spectator and performer each take one of the piles and spreads it face down in front of them. Then, to make it as fair and as random as possible the spectator is asked to slide out a card from the performers pile (keeping it face down) and the performer does the same to the spectators pile. The performer and spectator each sign their respective cards. Both selected signed cards are cut into each pile losing the card somewhere in the centre. The performer and spectator each spreads their cards face down in front of them as before. The spectator is asked to slide out any card they wish from the performers spread pile and the performer slides a card from the spectators face down spread. Both cards are cut into each pile as before. Then, the performer spreads his cards face up showing amazingly that he chose the spectators signed card! All the other cards in his pile are blank!  The spectator is asked to spread their pile face up this time and amazingly the one card that they chose from the performers pile just a second ago is actually his signed card. But not only that, all the other cards are blank too!! All cards can be examined!!



Customer Reviews

Two Stand Alone

Item in Stock (2 Available)