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Product Description

This is a product from our Quality Used/Collectable Magic Department.

In excellent condition.

A new conception in Magical Entertainment where the performer appears to find himself in a rather awkward situation having 'inadvertently' burnt a spectator's Bank Note!                                                A last-minute twist in the presentation saves the situation for both the spectator and the performer leaving only an unfathomable mystery. All of which is achieved without sleight of hand. The fine leather wallet we supply does all the work  for you.
EFFECT Performer removes 3 small envelopes and a Bank Note from his wallet and places them all down on a table in full view. He then requests the loan of a Bank Note from one of the spectators. This is signed by the owner before it is handed over. Meanwhile, another spectator is invited to take down the serial number of the performer's Note. The spectator's  Note is placed in one of the 3 envelopes which is then replaced in the wallet together with the two other envelopes. The ends of all 3 envelopes are clearly in view. The performer then places his own Note in the pocket on the other side of the open wallet, with part of it also clearly in view. The wallet is then closed and replaced on the table. The owner of |the borrowed  Note is then invited to take part in an 'Observation Test' and to state in which of the 3 envelopes his Note was placed. The wallet is opened and whichever envelope is indicated is taken and set on fire by the performer to prove that he is wrong! The spectator is given a second choice with the 2 remaining envelopes and whichever is selected, it is also burnt! The performer confidently opens the last envelope but is shocked to find that all it contains is a note which has "Sorry, wrong envelope," written on it! The performer a apologises profusely and then remembers about his Own Note which is still in position in the wallet, in full view. He explains that, luckily, he has provided for such an unfortunate occurrence, and taking it out of the wallet, he opens out the  Note and notices the signature it. Asking the spectator his name he reads out the signature, it IS the same! Performer then returns it to the relieved - spectator! 1st Climax. The question which then arises is where is the performers Note? Was it actually burnt by mistake?!! The performer then reveals that he has made provision for this, also. From his breast pocket he removes a long envelope with the word "INSURANCE" written in bold letters on the front. From this envelope he removes, what proves to be, his own Bank Note which he passes to the spectator to verify the serial number. 2nd Climax. An entirely new principle in wallet effects has been built into this handsome wallet, which is made in the best Black Calf Leather, to the highest standard of manufacture. Can be used for close-up, cabaret or stage presentation.
An absolute gem of vintage magic in excellent condition, super high quality made by Roy Roth.



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Item in Stock (1 Available)