Product Description
Tabary Rope Magic- Volumes 1 and 2 (also sold separately!)
From France comes F.I.S.M. World Champion, Francis Tabary-the greatest Rope Magician in the world!Tabary`s innovative effects, methods, and techniques are unsurpassed in the realm of rope magic. He has elevated rope magic to such a high level it now takes on an elegant artistry that no one else has ever achieved.
Tabary holds nothing back in teaching you every detail. You simply won't believe your eyes. Tabary performs and explains a multi-phase Ring & Rope routine that is absolutely incredible; once again Tabary smashes the boundaries of previous work in this area.
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Ring & Rope video DOWNLOAD (Excerpt of Tabary (1 & 2 On 1 Disc), 2 vol. combo, DVD)
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